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Antique Zakatala rug, North Azerbaijan, 19th century. Peter Pap Oriental Rugs |
Peter Pap's notes: "This piece contains both the typical dark almost black
weft towards the bottom with a finer grey weft at the top. When turning to
design, a plethora of references to other Caucasian weaving groups may be
seen. The general layout is possibly reminiscent of some Perepedil rugs but
the grand scale seems to be a unique interpretation, exceptionally dynamic
almost mirroring the freely drawn styles of kaitag embroideries. Of
particular interest is the central white medallion, the proportions of which
and scale of drawing appear almost magical. As in the case of most Caucasian
weavings, color is paramount and this piece does not disappoint. This is
expertly applied in both the large-scale ornament and in the flurry of
smaller latch-hook tracery set against the dark field.
MATERIALS: Knotted wool pile on wool foundation