The midnight-blue
central field comprises a vertical row of five sunburst medallions in
alternating colours. Hook-embellished hexagons with projections on either
side form the inside designs of these medallions. The entire space in
between is filled with minor ornaments like cross-hooks, octagons, hexagon
and squares, diamonds, animals etc. According to L. Kerimov, this complex
medallion (gol) is characteristic of Alikhanly.
The main border on a light ground consists of a simple row of octagons
inscribed with diamonds with their corners cut. The changing colour of the
diamonds makes the whole appearance much more lively.
Warp: Wool, Z3S, beige and brown (2X + 1 X, and also 1X+ 2 X).
Weft: Wool, Z2, ivory, 2 wefts: 1st almost straight, 2nd waved.
Pile: Wool, Z2, Pile Height:3.5mm.
Knots: Symmetrical 3, \, 60 °, H50xV30 = 1,500 Kn/dm2.
Handle: Velours, almost thin, lightly ribbed,
Upper End: c. 1 cm dark blue simple tapestry weave, then c. 2.5 cm fringes
braided diagonally in groups (4 rows); fringes emerge top front.
Lower End: Like upper end, but 3 cm (5 rows) woven
Selvedge: c. 1 cm dark blue wool shirazi around 2 ribs in figure-of-eight
wrapping with supplemental threads.
Remarks: The Alikhanly pattern is very closely related to the pattern of
many carpets from Daghestan. The difference is primarily a matter of
technique. As a rule, carpets from Daghestan have only one weft after each
row of knots, whereas those from Kuba always have two. Literature: L Kerimov
II, colour ill. 24.
published at Siyawouch Azadi "Azerbaijani Caucasian rugs", plate no: 22