Konakhkend district, Kuba (the district was dissolved in 1959) 260 214 X 128
2nd half of the 19the century
A giant shield-medallion with three indentations is arranged on a dark
brownish-red ground in such a way that it covers almost the entire central
field. Octagons with hooks are woven into each of the four rectangles. The
corners of the top and bottom rectangles are cut off towards the central
field, resulting in hexagons. Botehs dominate the remaining dark-blue ground
of the medallion, while stars appear in the red-ground field either on their
own or woven into octagons.
The white-ground main border shows the mashaal or shamdan motif (torch or
candelabra). Two minor borders with diagonal stripes flank the main border.
Warps: Wool, Z3 S, beige-brown (2 X ivory + 1X dark brown), but also 3 X
Wefts: Wool + Cotton, Z2, ivory + white, 2 wefts: 1st tight, 2nd waved, on
the sides occasionally 4 wefts.
Pile: Wool, Camel hair,Z2,Pile Height:2mm.
Knots: Symmetrical 2, /, 25 °, H 40, W 32 = c. 1,280 Kn/dm2.
Handle: Velvet-like, thin, extremely lightly ribbed.
Upper End: 0.6 cm wool simple tapestry weave in blackish-brown and ivory.
Selvedge: 0.5 cm white cotton shirazi around 2 ribs in figure-of-eight
wrapping with supplemental threads extending 0.5-3 cm into the fabric.
Remarks: This is an outstanding piece of good quality wool, skilful
ornamentation and balanced proportions. The colour variations in the details
are very effective.
Literature: L. Kerimov II, colour plate 25; U. Schürmann shows a piece that
is entirely faded; lot: at., p. 279, No 105.
published at Siyawouch
Azadi "Azerbaijani Caucasian
rugs" plate
no: 54