Divichi district, Kuba 222 168 X 122 cm
Beginning of the 20th century
Warps: Wool and Cotton mixed
Wefts: Wool and Cotton, Z2,1 c dark brown wool + 1 x white cotton, 1 x dark
brown wool + 1 x ivory wool 2 wefts: lst tight, 2nd waved. Pile: Wool, Z 2,
Pile Height: 4 mm.
Knots: Symmetrical 3, H50 x V40 = 2,000 Kn/dm2.
Handle: Velvety, almost thin, ribbed.
Upper End: c. 3 cm wool flat-woven end, c. 1.5 cm light plain weave,
warp-thread groups knotted in staggered rows.
Lower End: c. 3 cm wool flat-woven end, c. 1.5 cm, light wool simple
tapestry weave with 1 row of weft twining in light brownish-red and olive,
warp-thread groups knotted in 4 staggered rows.
Selvedge: Round, white, cotton shirazi.
Literature: L Kerimov II, colour ill. 20.
published at Siyawouch
Azadi "Azerbaijani Caucasian
rugs" plate
no: 35