Antique Kuba
Perepedil rug, late 19th century, Southern Hillside Kuba
Region, Devechi-Shabran District, North East
Pirebadil (so-called Perepedil) Divichi district, Kuba 295 X 148 cm End of
the 19th century
The midnight-blue central field shows seven white-ground octagons for which
the local expression is gölche (little lake) on the vertical axis.
Surrounding these octagons are four fabulous birds and two differing pairs
of islimi varieties respectively which serve as an integral part of the
ensuing octagon at the same time.
The red-ground main border comprises a bent and broken vine meander set off
with blossoms and palmettes. This border is termed gül budagly. Two yujruk
minor borders flank the main border on each side. The outside carnation
border (karanfil) is particularly striking.
Warps: Wool, Z3 S, beige, ivory and brown in every possible combination
except 3 X brown.
Wefts: Wool, Z2, ivory; cotton, Z2, white, 2 wefts: 1st Light, 2nd waved.
Pile: Wool,Z2, Pile Height:4mm.
Knots: Symmetrical 3, \. H40xV32 = c. 1,280 Kn/dm2.
Handle: Velvety, thin, lightly ribbed.
Upper End: c. 2 cm wool flat-woven end, 1 cm light wool simple tapestry
weave, then warp-thread groups braided diagonally in groups.
Lower End: c. 3 cm wool+ cotton flat-woven end: 1 cm light Wool+ Cotton
simple tapestry weave (weft threads 1x wool,Z2.1x cotton)
Selvedge: Thin, round, white cotton shirazi
Literature: L. Kerimov II, ill. 138, p. 166.
published at Siyawouch
Azadi "Azerbaijani Caucasian
rugs" plate no: 34