Christie's Perepedil
prayer rug, East Caucasus, Azerbaijan
Price Realized: £960 ($1,745)
Estimate £500 - £800 ($909 - $1,454)
Sale Information
Sale 5771
European furniture, works of art, tapestries and carpets - including the
Angus McBean collection, the property of Norman Kelvin
13 September 2005
London, South Kensington
Lot Description
A Perepedil prayer rug, East Caucasus
The shaded indigo field with overall design of stylised ram-horns,
dart-motifs and animals together with serrated palmettes, rosettes, S-motifs
and central hooked octagon, keel-arch above, in broad rust-red border of
hooked panels between ivory angular floral vine and ribbon stripes, outer
barber-pole and plain stripes, slight wear
183cm. x 119cm.(6ft. x 3ft.11in.)