Size: 2'6" x 3'9"
Circa 1880
Cat. No. 302
Description: The use of stripes in rugs of the East Caucasus is fairly
Rugs with diagonals are usually attributed to the Shirvan, Daghestan, Kuba,
Genja and Karabagh weaving areas.
Rugs with verticals are more typically those of Karabagh and Daghestan. This
small prayer rug is an interesting study illustrating how an experienced and
skilled weaver can utilize well recognized East Caucasian design constructs
to create a unique composition.
Published Kuba prayer rugs are evenly divided between light and dark fields.
On casual viewing this rug appears to have a dark indigo ground. In reality
there is virtually no field in the traditional sense.
Rather, most of the rug consists of main and secondary borders with fairly
assertive border guards.
The narrow field consists of eight vertical stripes and a prayer arch.
The weaver very effectively used white to unify the composition.
The horse-like figures and the restrained use of secondary motifs around the
prayer arch adds and interesting visual element.
Condition: Full pile. No areas of wear or damage. Ends stabilized with no
loss of pile.
Warps:Wool, undyed shades of brown.
Wefts:Wool, undyed dark brown.
Knots: Symmetrical
Sides:Foundation warps are bundled into a three cord selvedge.
Ends:Original ends are lost. Top and bottom stabilized with no loss of pile.
Price $5,500.00
There are no known published examples.
Herat Gallery
