58 Jek
Konakhkend district, Kuba (the
district was dissolved in 1959)
290 X 120 cm
First quarter of the 20th century
The narrow dark-blue central field displays five sunburst medallions
arranged in alternating rows depending on their colour. These medallions,
composed ofideosyn-cratic rectangles, are characteristic of this type.
Between the medallions are a multitude of small ornaments like hook-rimmed
lozenges, stars, rosettes, crosses etc. The various kinds of birds are
particularly striking, mainly the four large fabulous ones.
The four camels arranged in pairs on top of the first two medallions deserve
special mention. L. Kerimov reports that camels are particularly prized
domestic animals because they are indispensable for agriculture and
transport of heavy loads and because they can travel even long distances
without water or fodder. The camel is also regarded as a good omen. A common
saying is, "When the camel dances, snow will enter the house." Snow means
water, and for the inhabitants of deserts and dry regions, water is the most
valuable of all things.
A double S border (probably a dragon motif) on a light ground constitutes
the main border. Two minor borders with a row of brightly coloured stars
flank the main border. Inside, there is an additional reciprocal triangle
Warp: Wool, Z3 S, dark ivory. Weft: Wool, Z2, light ivory and beige-brown, 2
wefts: 1st tight, 2nd waved. Pile: Wool, Z2, Pile Height: 5 mm. Knots:
Symmetrical 2, /, 45 ", H 40, V35 = c. 1,400 Knots / dm2.
Handle: Velours, not thin, ribbed. Upper End: c. 4 cm wool flat-woven end,
c. 1 cm soumak in dark blue, red, Ired (8-4), c. 3 cm groups of diagonally
braided warp-threads. Lower End: Like upper end.
Selvedge: c. 1 cm blue wool shirazi around 2 ribs in figure-of-eight
wrapping with supplemental threads extending into the fabric.
Condition: Except for oxidation of the blackish-brown, flawless.
Remarks: The green has faded to olive, the shades of light red, orange and
yellow are not particularly beautiful.
Literature: L Kerimov II, colour ill. 28.
published at Siyawouch
Azadi "Azerbaijani Caucasian
rugs" plate no: 58