About the Antique Rugs of the Future Project

Sheep Breeds of Azerbaijan

Sorting, Washing, Carding, Spinning

"The advantages of handspun yarn to machine spun yarn"

Rediscovery of Ancient Natural Dyes
Our Natural Dyestuffs


Difference between synthetically and naturally dyed rugs

Weaving and Finishing Steps

Galleries of ARFP Caucasian Azerbaijani Rugs



Antique Kuba rug, late 19th century, Eastern Azerbaijan. 5. ft 05 in x 5. ft 11 in (1.65 m x 1.80 m). Nazmiyal Collection

Antique Shirvan, Caucasus, late nineteenth century - A classic Caucasian ‘Afshan repeat’ design unfolds across the soft blue field of this stunning little antique Shirvan. Here stepped medallions in red, aubergine, ivory, gold, and soft green alternate with stylized lily flowers arranged in cruciform array, while vines sprays and tiny geometric elements fill the intervening space. Several narrow borders of star rosettes and carnation vinescrolls combine to frame the field, maintaining a uniformly fine and detailed design texture. A truly exceptional piece in terms of the precision of its drawing and the range of color.