Kuba 183 X 129 cm 246 Around 1890
In comparison to the borders, the dark-blue central field looks almost too
small. It is overrun by islimi motifs which are also referred to as vines of
arabesques or forks around which three stepped lozenges are arranged. The
centre of the lozenge is decorated with a palmette which we know from many
vine meander borders (so-called crab border). Numerous small motifs fill the
rest of the field. It is almost characteristic of this groups that there is
no free space without pattern.
The design of the borders shows a certain resemblance with that of Chichi
carpets, particularly the two outer borders, that is, the reciprocal
crenellated and star borders. At a closer look, however, there is a
difference between this main border and those of Chichi carpets with its
cross beams. In this case, the beams are straight and have two appendages at
the top and bottom each. Their sequence alternates with that of leaf
palmettes. The two stripes of blossoms on a green ground flank the main
border on a midnight-blue ground and provide it with vividness.
Warps: Wool, Z3S, light ivory and also dark brown (2 x light ivory +1x dark
Wefts: Wool + Cotton, Z2, light brown and white, 2 wefts:1st tighter, 2nd
Pile: Wool, Z2, Pile Height: 3.5mm.
Knots: Symmetrical 3, \35°, H40 x V40 = 1,600 Kn/dm2.
Handle: Velours, thin, ribbed.
Upper End: c. 1 cm light wool simple tapestry weave, groups of warps knotted
in 6 staggered rows.
Lower End: 0.5 cm remainder of a cotton simple tapestry weave.
Selvedge: Round and light cotton + woolen shirazi.
published at Siyawouch
Azadi "Azerbaijani Caucasian
rugs" plate
no: 47