177 x 142 cm, 1900
A concentric, hook-rimmed diamond is woven into the centre of the
midnight-blue field. Around this diamond, a number of ornaments are grouped
symmetrically. In addition to the palmettes, the fork-vines (islimi) are
particularly prominent. On the sides, they are arranged in pairs, at the top
and bottom in groups of four. The remainder of the field is covered with
palmettes, lozenges, octagons, stars etc. in various designs. We encounter
many of these ornaments in Pirebadil carpets as well, particularly the
islimi and the large palmettes. The main border consists of a bent and
broken vine meander on a brownish-red ground decorated with large rosettes
and white blossoms. This is a variation of the gulbudagy or gul budagly,
which we have already encountered on plate 34 in a Pirebadil carpet. Two
minor borders with carnations on a dark-blue ground (karanfil) surround the
main border.
Warps: Wool,Z3S, light ivory, several warp-threads dark brown and light
Wefts: Wool+Cotton, Z2, brown to blackish-brown or white, 2 wefts: 1st
tight, 2"d waved. Pile: Wool, Z 2, Pile Height: 4.5 mm.
Knots: Symemtrical 3, \, 35°, H35xV35 = c. 1,235 Kn/dm2.
Handle: Velours, almost thin, lightly ribbed.
Upper End: c. 1.5 cm dark blue wool simple tapestry weave, warp-threads
knotted in groups in 4 staggered rows directly after the simple tapestry
Selvedge: Round, almost thin, dark blue wool shirazi, 2 warp-threads
Remarks: This is quite a good carpet, thought somewhat overburdened with
design, It is made with good wool in a striking design in quite good colours.
Literature: I. Kerimov II, colour ill. 22; also L Kerimov V, colour plate
13, from the Museum of Azerbaijani Carpets and Applied Art.
published at Siyawouch
Azadi "Azerbaijani Caucasian
rugs" plate no: 45