Divichi district, Kuba
180 X 120 cm
Beginning of the 20th century
A vertical axis crossed by six horizontal rods at 90° angles runs through
the middle of the dark-blue central field, dividing it into fourteen
rectangles of nearly equal size. Between the horizontal rods, there are two
varieties of floral wreaths. Seen from bottom to top, their direction
alternates from the second row on, though only in four fields. Feather-like
ornamentations project from each end of the vertical axis. The entire
central field is fashioned in a highly ideosyncratic manner. The main border
with its white ground is recognisable from Zeikhur carpets or Gollu Chichi,
termed kabala naqish or kabala pattern. This border is flanked by two minor
borders or rosettes on a dark-blue ground. A reciprocal crenellated border (madakhil)
frames the whole.
Warps: Wool, Z3 S, ivory, often 2 X ivory + 1 X brown or vice versa.
Wefts: Cotton, Z2, white; Cotton + Wool,Z2, white and ivory, 2 wefts: 1st
tight, 2nd waved.
Pile: Wool, Z2, brownish-red wool, also Z3, Pile Height: 5 mm.
Knots: Symmetrical 3, \, 35 °, H 50, V 40 = 2,000 Kn/dm2.
Handle: Velvety, not thin, ribbed.
Upper End: c. 1.5 cm white cotton simple tapestry weave.
Lower End: c. 2 cm wool+ cotton flat-woven end, starts with cotton wefts in
pairs like simple tapestry weave, then thick cotton wefts around 1 or 2
warp-threads, warps knotted in large clusters, triangle structure, but not
Selvedge: Thin, round, now pale-red woolen shirazi.
Literature: Not identified anywhere.
published at Siyawouch
Azadi "Azerbaijani Caucasian
rugs" plate no: 30