Antique Khyzy
(Khizi, Xızı)
horse cover (chul), dated 1314=1897, Khyzy District (south of Shabran (Devechi), north west of Baku),
Lot: 146 Azeri Horse: Cover A splendid flat-woven horse cover by
the Azeri Turks from the southern Caucasus. The cover consists of two panels
woven separately and joined at the centre. Three wide horizontal panels at
the lower end show animals, humans and plants; the section above, plain red
at the centre, is also decorated with imaginative animals around the tabs
for the horse´s neck. Excellent quality, very good condition. Origin:
South Caucasus Size: 173 x 127 cm Age: Dated 1314 = 1897 Estimate:
4.400,00 € Literature: VOLKMANN, MARTIN (ed.), Alte Orientteppiche.
Ausgewählte Stücke deutscher Privatsammlungen. Munich 1985, no. 80
Major Autumn Auction Auction date: Saturday 05. December 2009 Rippon
Boswell & Co. International Auctioneers of Rare Carpets & Textiles