southwest caucasus
circa 1830
160 x 123 cm (5'3" x 4')
symmetrically knotted wool pile on a wool foundation
A rare and unusual rug decorated by a small hexagonal hooked medallion
typical of the carpets from Borchalu, though flanked by two large ivory
octagonal medallions characteristic of Fachralo Kazaks. The light blue
field is enlivened by a series of hooked devices similar to the kotchanak
motif seen on Turkoman rugs as well as on certain Karachop Kazaks, and is
powerfully framed by a border consisting of polychrome double-T elements
on a dark brown background. The archaic outline of the design and the
refined palette allow us to date this rug to the first half of the
nineteenth century, that is to a period preceding the establishment of the
various Kazak typologies. |