Lot 13
Title An Eastern Caucasian rug with Star-Kasak design, probably GENDJE-AREA,
19th ct., formerly Kirchheim Collection, damages due to age, tiny hole, worn
Size 260 x 126 cm
Description: (German only) "Man könnte diesen Teppich sowie die wenigen
engen Vergleichsstücke als Sternkasaks des 'Typs E' bezeichnen. Die anderen
bekannten Exemplare dieses Typs sind: Ein Teppich ehemals im Besitz von
David Black und Clive Loveless und danach bei Eberhart Herrmann (Seltene
Orientteppiche VI, Nr. 27), ein zweiter in der Holland-Sammlung, ein dritter,
der im Mai 1988 bei Christie's in London versteigert wurde und ein vierter
soll im Mai 1993 von Nagel in Stuttgart versteigert werden. Man beachte die
Musterparallelen des mittleren roten Sterns mit dem fundamentalen
Sternkasak-Musterkonzept sowie die umrahmenden Sichelblattformen und die
'S'-Formen der Bordüre, heißt es im Katalog der Sammlung Kirchheim ""Orient
Stars"" zu diesem seltenen Sammlerstück. 260 x 126 cm (2848001)"
Additional Information
(German only) Provenienz: Nagel Auktion, Auktion 306 am 10.03.1984. -
Sammlung Heinrich Kirchheim, Stuttgart. Publ.: Orient Stars (1993), Nr. 3. -
Altersbedingte Gebrauchsspuren, kleines Loch, partiell abgetreten.
Estimate 6000,-
Nagel Auktionen, Sale 42T, May 18th 2004
Lot: 81
Genje with a Star Design
Origin: Central Caucasus
Size: 260 x 126 cm
Age: 19th century
Result: 4.026,00 €
Twelve carpets and flatweaves from the ORIENT STARS Collection.
The following twelve lots originate from the
„Orient Stars“ Collection. They were offered before at the „Orient Stars“
special auction held by RIPPON BOSWELL on 2nd October 1999. Comprehensively
catalogued by us at the time, all objects are also illustrated and discussed
in the „Orient Stars“ publication. In view of the museum character of these
collectors items, we have dispensed with descriptions of their condition.
Collector E. Heinrich Kirchheim, now deceased, placed more emphasis on the
artistic expression, beauty, rarity, cultural and historic importance of the
objects in his collection than their state of preservation, a perspective
many important collectors develop during the course of their collecting
lives. All carpets and kilims were expertly cleaned and conserved prior to
publication in „Orient Stars“ in 1993. Most of the fragments or objects
surviving in fragmented form were backed with canvas and some of them
framed. Below, references to the publication, „KIRCHHEIM, E. HEINRICH,
Orient Stars. Eine Teppichsammlung. Stuttgart-London 1993“ will be
abbreviated to „OS“; our previous catalogue of the „Orient Stars“ auction is
referenced „RB“.
“One might dub this rug, and its handful of close relatives, ‘E type’ Star
Kazaks. ... Note how the internal design of the central red star also
parallels the basis Star Kazak design concept, as well as the surrounding
sickle leaf forms, and the ‘S’ forms in the border.” (HK)
This village rug from the Gendje region is obviously a successor to the B
type Star Kazaks, sharing their elongated format. Its narrow border with
stylised dragon motifs relates it to no. OS-2. The complex Star Kazak
“explosion” design is seen here in a greatly simplified version.
Literature: HERRMANN, EBERHART, Seltene Orientteppiche 6. Munich 1984, no.
Major Spring Auction
Auction date: Saturday 29. May 2010 at 03 PM
Rippon Boswell