A North-West Persian Gallery carpet
Price Realized f.9,362 ($4,988)
Price includes buyer's premium Estimatef.10,000 - f.15,000 ($5,328 -
Sale Information:Christies Sale 2474 a dutch private
collection: 28 September 2000 Amsterdam
Lot Description A
North-West Persian Gallery carpet The indigo field with a column of
deep-red octafoil medallions containing similar, smaller, beige medallions,
linked by stepped lozenge medallions, the field scattered with various
perching birds and floral sprays, the stepped tomato-red spandrels with
green foliate panels and flower-heads, in an ice-blue border of stylised
boteh between tomato-red, S- and flower-head stripes, outer barber-pole
stripe, some areas of localised wear 570cm. x 210cm.
Notice Please note that the title should read a Lampa Karabach gallery
carpet and not as stated in the catalogue