About the Antique Rugs of the Future Project

Sheep Breeds of Azerbaijan

Sorting, Washing, Carding, Spinning

"The advantages of handspun yarn to machine spun yarn"

Rediscovery of Ancient Natural Dyes
Our Natural Dyestuffs


Difference between synthetically and naturally dyed rugs

Weaving and Finishing Steps

Galleries of ARFP Caucasian Azerbaijani Rugs



Safavid Arabesque Islimi carpet with silk highlights, inspired by the XVI century Safavid carpet fragment from the Austrian Museum for Art

Size (metric): 229x298cm
Size (ft): 7'6"x9'9"
Area: 6.82 m2
Density: 170 000 knots per square meter, totally ~ 1 million and 100 thousand knots
Pile height: 0.4 cm
Ends: 2 cm ivory kilim weaving, bundled knots
Weaving period: 4 months

sky blue, navy blue, ivory, red, yellow, light brown, medium brown, dark brown, light green, apricot, maroon.

Dyes: 100% natural dyes: madder, weld (Reseda Luteola), indigo, pomegranate skins, natural brown sheep wool, natural ivory sheep wool
- all are eco-friendly and non-toxic
Materials: Handcarded and handspun wool for pile, Handcarded and handspun silk for pile, ivory wool warps and 2 shots of ivory wool wefts

Inscriptions: weaving date, tamga (tribal seal) of Afshar tribe, the word " Adn" ("Garden of Eden")

Weaver: Sona, Leyla, Zahra

Design:  The inner field has an all-over pattern on a blue ground; two series of arabesque-stems, in red with yellow outline and yellow with red outline, intersect one another and cover the inner field like a network. The arabesques have curled ornaments and offshoots, with conventional blossoms at intervals. The stems develop into curves ending in arabesques, or join together into lozenges or curved forms repeating in rows. Between the stems, and covered by them, grow flowering plants in colours. Most of the plants have volute-like motives at their roots.

In the main border are two differently-coloured wavy stems of arabesque-form, with blossoms on a red ground; these intersect one another so as to balance. Between them as a filling are green stems with white cinque-foil blossoms. Outer border: continuous wavy stem with red blossoms and green leaves on a white ground. Inner border: counterchange cresting (trefoil) in yellow and wine-red.

Contact us for more information about this rug









Contact us for more information about this rug


For more information about the above rug or to place an order please email vd@azerbaijanrugs.com (Baku, Azerbaijan) or ra@azerbaijanrugs.com  (San Francisco Bay Area). We will get back to you within 24 hours or less.