re-entrant prayer rug (based on the Victoria & Albert Museum re-entrant
Size: 118x137cm
Size (ft): 3'10"x4'5"
Area: 1.61 m2
Density: 110 000 knots per square meter, totally ~175 000 knots
Colors: red, ivory, medium blue, dark brown, yellow,
green, old purple/mauve.
(Reseda Luteola),
pomegranate skins,
walnut husks,
cochineal, onion skins, natural dark brown sheep wool, natural ivory sheep wool
Materials: Handcarded and handspun wool for pile, ivory wool warps
(natural ivory and brown twist) and
ivory wool wefts (two shots). 1cm of flatwoven kilim ends at both sides.
- wool on wool
Knots: Gördes (Turkish, symmetrical)
Pile height: 0.7cm
Ends: triangular plaited fringes
Inscriptions: the word "Adn" ("Garden of Eden") on
the mihrab, weaving date (upper right corner of the field).
Weaver: Parvana
Weaving Period:
3 (three) months
Handwoven in Azerbaijan
Design: This type of
15th century Turkoman prayer rugs can be seen in the paintings of Venetian
painters Gentile Bellini (c. 1429 – 23 February 1507) and his brother
Giovanni Bellini (c. 1430 – 26 November 1516). The central field contains
a mihrab or niche at the top with a keyhole or re-entrant design below and
its center may contain a central medallion sometimes flanked by a double
inverted mihrab or keyhole. Similar re-entrant or keyhole design rugs are
depicted in Lorenzo Lotto's (b. ca. 1480, Venezia -
d. 1556, Loreto) paintings too.

'Bellini' re-entrant prayer rug, Anatolia or Caucasus, late 15th
century, 115x147cm, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK. inv. no:

"Portrait of the Doge of Venice Loredan and his four advisers"
1507, by Giovanni Bellini (c. 1430 – 26 November 1516).
Gemäldegalerie art museum, Berlin

Madonna and Child with Saints, 1521, Church of Santo Spirito,
Bergamo. by Lorenzo Lotto

"The Virgin and Child Enthroned", c 1475-85, by Gentile Bellini
(died in 1507). The National Gallery, London

Mystical Marriage of Saint Catherine, by Lorenzo Lotto (1480-1556)
Oil on canvas, 81 x 115cm, signed "Laurentius Lotus", dated 1523
(Accademia Carrara, Bergamo)

"Husband and Wife", 1523, Oil on canvas, The Hermitage, St.
Petersburg. by Lorenzo Lotto (b. 1480 Venezia - d. 1556, Loreto)

"Madonna and Child with Sts Peter, Christine, Liberale, and
Jerome", 1505. Oil on wood, Church of Santa Cristina, Treviso. by
Lorenzo Lotto