Western Anatolia, Bergama area
Cushion Cover (yastik), 19th century
Many knotted-pile cushion covers made in Turkish villages derive their
patterns from Ottoman velvets and brocaded silks (see cat. nos. 4 and 5),
but the geometric design of this yastik predates the Ottoman court style.
The stepped, hooked medallions inside octagons are sometimes called
"Memling guls," after the 15th-century Flemish painter who depicted rugs
with a simpler form of them in a similar arrangement.1 This design, not
limited to Turkey, also appears on 19th-century Caucasian, Kurdish, and
Turkmen rugs. The gul forms are also used in isolation as border or field
elements on Caucasian rugs (see cat. nos. 19 and 20). The weaver of this
yasttk began with flattened octagons, but in order to lengthen her pillow
cover she made subsequent rows progressively less compact and taller.2 The
back panel of the yastik was red weft-faced plain weave. Some of this
still remains, although the rest probably suffered the same fate as the
backs of many saddle- and storage bags, which were removed when they were
shipped to the West.
1. See, for example, the Donne Triptych
(Virgin and Child with Saints and Donors), ca. 1470, in the National
Gallery, London, and a beautiful still life on the back of Portrait of a
Young Man, in the Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection, Lugano. The still life is
reproduced as the back cover and pl. 25a of Alien Rosenbaum, Old Master
Paintings from the Collection of Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza, Washington,
International Exhibitions Foundation, 1979-1981.
2. A very similar
example, with the same distinctive reciprocal-design end panels and more
uniform octagons, appears as pl. 22, p. 120, of Walter B. Denny and Daniel
S. Walker, The Markarian Album, Cincinnati, The Markarian Foundation,
Structural Analysis SIZE: 36 1/2X24 1/4 in. (92.7 x 61.4
cm.) WARP: wool, Z2S; ivory WEFT: wool, z x 2-3; ivory PILE:
wool, Z2S, symmetrical knots, h. 9, v. 9-13; 81-117 k/sq. in.; ivory,
brown (abrash), red, light orange-red, light yellow, green-blue, blue,
light purple ENDS: red wool weft-faced plain weave SIDES: red wool
selvedge of 4 cords of 2 warps each
http://www.ne-rugsociety.org/gallery/collectors-eye/ce-navframe.htm |