
General Information about Göl

Göl is one of the most widely used ornaments of Caucasian Rugs. It is generally placed in the center of the composition. In the Western Europe Göl is known as "medallion", in Russia "rosette". In Central Asia and Azerbaijan it is known as "Göl". We can divide  the Göl which is used in Azerbaijan carpets in the following groups:

1) Round form Göl
Göl of round form is usually believed depicting heavenly bodies such as sun, moon, large and small stars. Most göls of round form have 8 or 16 petals. Göl with 4, 6, 10, 32 petals is also found.

Round Form Göl

2)Elongated form Göl is larger in length than in width, or vice versa larger in width than in length.

Elongated Form Göl

3)Quadrangular Form Göl have the form of a square or polygon and other geometrical figures.

Quadrangular Form Göl

4)Gölbendlik - when the composition is consisted of only göls of the same and different shapes. Gölbendlik takes an important place in the decorative art of the Near East, Central Asia and Azerbaijan.

1870-made Karabagh Chini Cheshni  rug (Gölbendlik)

Göls according to Regions of Azerbaijan

Baku Medallions

Kazak-Genje(Ganja) Medallions

Kuba Medaliions

Karabagh Medaliions

Shirvan Medallions

South Azerbaijan Medallions

Some Göl Drawings with their meanings

Brazier, Camel Track, Circular Tray, Head of Statue, Majolica

Khoncha, Tysbagha, Marriege ornament